The Performeasure® Assessment: State-of-the-art mind-brain performance capacity assessment. This measure is based on the Unified Theory of Performance, which states that higher level of mind-brain development is the active ingredient in higher performance in any vocation or activity. Performeasure is described in the groundbreaking book (press on link to order book):
Excellence through Mind-Brain Development:
The Secrets of World-Class Performers
Harald S. Harung and Frederick Travis
This mind-brain measure of individual performance capacity consists of three dimensions:
- Brain Integration Scale (how coherent, efficient, and restfully alert our brain functions)
- Moral reasoning (aspect of psychological development)
- Frequency of peak experiences (the most happy and fulfilling moments of life, often related to peak performance)
Extensive research shows a correlation between psychological development and higher performance. There is also some research relating peak experiences to improved performance. We have included both these measures plus added a third objective brain measure to create an innovative, comprehensive, and robust assessment of performance capacity. When comparing world-class performers in sports, management, and classical music, we found that overall the high performers scored almost twice as high as average-performing controls on the Performeasure Assessment (See figure below). Applications of Performeasure include: Self-knowledge, career planning, performance improvement, research, evaluating the effectiveness of training and educational programs, leader development and selection, and employment and promotion.

The Performeasure Assessment has been developed by Dr. Fred Travis, USA, and Dr. Harald S. Harung, Norway,
For more information about Performeasure contact:, phone +47 90775459.
Performeasure is the registered trademark of Brain Integration Systems AS, Oslo, Norway.